
We deiver different types of coal (D, T, SS, G, Gzh, K, etc) and anthracite to the countries of the Middle East, Eastern Europe and Turkey. An experienced team in trading and management allows us to respond to all needs of our customers satisfying their demands regarding quality, cost, transportation conditions and other important requirements. We also provide full range of after sales support to our customers.

We are for quality

An experienced team of traders knows how to do such type of business taking into account properties of the product, its parameters, transportation conditions and the most important aspects of maintaining the quality of the goods. Coal supplies are made by rail and road to any destination station. We provide detailed data on shipment since the moment of professional consultations on the choice of coal until the goods arrive at the agreed destination. And even after that, we do not say goodbye and are always ready to answer all questions.

Long flame coal

Suitable for domestic use

Is formed from fossil organic residues of organic residues under the influence of overburden rocks and high temperatures at depths of up to one kilometer. It has a homogeneous or layered, striped texture. The carbon content is 67-75%, hydrogen is about 5%, the amount of oxygen and nitrogen is from 17 to 30%.

Natural humidity - 10-25% (sometimes up to 40% above). Many brown coals are highly bituminous, sometimes they contain up to 40-50% of light hydrocarbons. It contains a lot of water, therefore it has low calorific value.

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Low caking coal

Burns with almost no flame and no smoke

Is formed from brown coal at depths of the order of three kilometers. The industrially important properties of coals is combustibility, calorific value (calorific value), sintering ability, coking ability, etc. which is determined mainly by the degree of their coalification. Coal contains from 7% to 95% carbon, depending on its grade.

Due to the moisture content up to 12% (3-4% internal), this variety has a higher calorific value compared to brown coal. The composition of coal includes 32% of volatile substances, due to which it is well ignited.

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Anthracite coal

The best grade of coal

Formed from coal with increasing pressure and temperature at depths of about 6 kilometers. It differs from other coals in appearance - has a high density and brilliance. Anthracites are composed of organic matter of the highest degree of coalification, in which graphite

particles are finely dispersed, have the highest calorific value, but are poorly ignited. This type of coal is used as solid high-calorie fuel and contains 95% carbon.

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Metallurgical coal or coking coal

The coal that can be used to produce metallurgical coke

Coke is an essential fuel and reactant in the blast furnace process for primary steelmaking. Metallurgical coal is low in ash, moisture, sulfur and phosphorus content, and its rank is usually bituminous. Some grades of anthracite coal are used for sintering, pulverized coal injection, direct blast furnace charge, pelletizing, and in production of ferro-alloys, silicon-manganese, calcium-carbide and silicon-carbide. Metallurgical coal produces strong, low-density coke produced when it is heated in

a low-oxygen environment. On heating, the coal softens, and volatile components evaporate and escape through pores in the mass. During coking, the material swells and increases in volume. The coking ability of coal is related to its physical properties such as its rank, but laboratory testing is required to completely evaluate the coking ability of a coal. The strength and density of coke are particularly important when it is used in a blast furnace, as the coke supports part of the ore and flux burden inside the furnace.

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